Invested. Our lives are a story of redemption and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the wisdom and encouragement of those who have come alongside us (during the good and the bad). Grateful for the gift we’ve been given, my wife and I tenaciously cultivate our own covenant and eagerly welcome the opportunity to help others do likewise. Therefore, when we commit to a photography engagement, you could say we're invested a bit beyond the contract.

Since we've planned a wedding ourselves and no doubt know what it's like, we hold especially high regard for transparency, responsiveness, and artistic awesomeness. Currently, our two-shooter coverage fee (does not include images) begins at $3350, but we can also work with you to customize a package that best suits you. North Jersey is our home, but we travel for tacos.

Organic. With faith as our driver, we place a premium on relationships, trust, and authenticity. Naturally, these elements take time to build and sustain, so we've streamlined the business end of things in order to give it the focus it deserves. Your story matters and we truly want to hear about it!





One vision, two perspectives.